quality and skillsmore than certain, certified
Those who trust in us know that they can not only count on experience, skill and resources, but also on a company which is qualified to deal with every type of job order, and which holds all required certification in its commitment to constant, accurate monitoring of manufacturing processes.
UNI ISO 45001 certification
We have acquired UNI ISO 45001 certification, the first international standard that establishes a framework for improving safety in the workplace, reducing risks and improving the health and well-being of workers. Specifically, we have been judged compliant with the UNI ISO 45001 standard for the following activities: design, execution, and maintenance of electrical and thermal-hydraulic systems; execution of public lighting systems; and maintenance of civil buildings.
UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 certification
We hold UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 certification for our company quality system for:
- design, construction, installation, regeneration, maintenance and management of technological, special and telecommunications systems for industry, energy, infrastructure and the service sector;
- provision of integrated management services;
- design, development, manufacture and installation of medium and high voltage electric panels, MV/LV transformer substations and HV/MV substations.
SOA certification
We possess SOA certification, proof of qualification to participate in bids for tender for supply and assembly of public works in the following categories and classifications:
- OG1 – cl. IV
- OG9 – cl. V
- OG10 – cl. V
- OG11 – cl. IV
- OS3 – cl. I
- OS28 – cl. II
- OS30 – cl. V
E.S.Co. certifications
As an ESCO (Energy Service Company), we hold certification regulated by the Italian technical standards UNI CEI 11352 and 11339. This certification, an essential requirement since 2016 for an Energy Service Company to be able to manage energy efficiency qualifications, allows us to provide third parties with guarantees of our skills and abilities, giving us the opportunity for unlimited access to public tenders.
F-GAS certification
We hold F-gas certification as required by the Italian decree (DPR) no. 43/2012, which implements European Community regulation no. 842/2006. This compulsory document certifies both our company and our personnel for the handling of fluorinated greenhouse gases (F-gases). Improved assurances result in a better quality job driving higher customer satisfaction and providing further evidence of the professionalism of those working in this industry.
Internal Control
Internal control is a self-monitoring system. We introduced it many years ago to plan and check every phase of our manufacturing process. The aim is to achieve absolute quality.