
  • Sede Polizia Stradale Pordenone - General Contractor

    Polizia Stradale Pordenone

    General contract for construction of the new Polizia Stradale police headquarters in Pordenone. Seismic retrofitting of strategic buildings, including electrical, plumbing & heating and safety systems. Photovoltaic and solar thermal system to serve the police station.

  • Impianto fotofoltaico Palestra Motta di Livenza

    Municipality of Motta di Livenza (TV)

    Supply and assembly of architectural lighting system on Ponte sul Livenza and Parco Spinade in Motta di Livenza.

  • Illuminazione stradale Cordovado

    Municipality of Cordovado (Pordenone)

    Street lighting systems.

  • Impianto fotovoltaico Star

    Star Srl

    Photovoltaic system with 200 kWp rated output

  • Irisacqua Gorizia - Depuratore Grado

    Irisacqua Gorizia

    Supply and assembly of technological systems serving the new Grado sewage treatment plant, with a Messner sewage treatment system and PLC for system supervision and automation.

  • Villaverde Resort

    Villaverde Resort Fagagna

    Electrical, safety, automation, supervision, hotel management and access control systems.

  • Impianto fotovoltaico Unicolor

    Unicolor Spa

    Refurbishment and upgrade of electrical and plumbing systems. Supply and assembly of a 200 kWp photovoltaic system.

  • Tex Giulia – Gruppo Gabel

    Refurbishment and upgrade of electrical and plumbing systems. Supply and assembly of a 200 kWp photovoltaic system.

  • Terex Comedil Headquarters

    Terex Comedil Spa

    Supply and assembly of electrical works for the office building of the Comedil facility in Fontanafredda.

  • Zoppas Industries

    Zoppas Industries

    Refurbishment and upgrade of electrical and plumbing systems. Supply and assembly of a 200 kWp photovoltaic system.